


Modern Day Princess

I will admit that the Duchess of Cambridge first caught my attention when the news of the Royal Wedding first swept across the nation. It was then that I first came to know Kate Middleton. Once she married Princess William, she assumed her name as Duchess of Cambridge, and she is continually making people fall in love with her with her kind smile and gentle ways (hmm, sounds a little familiar to Diana). But on a serious note, she is the modern day princess. She was a commoner, fell in love with a prince, and will become the next Queen of England. Whoa; that is too much to handle for someone who never had an ounce of royal blood running through her veins before she wed Will. Just when believing in fairy tales was just for small children (and Disney!), she shows up and becomes a real life princess. What a story that is. How I would like to meet Kate one day and the things we would discuss...That would be fantastic. She breathes new life into the monarchy and eradicates the image that a princess should never mingle with commoners. Kate Middleton not only associates herself with everyone but is perhaps so kind, warm, and gentle. That coming from someone who has never met the lady but could easily assume from the way she holds herself. She is confident, but not proud; poised, but not unapproachable; stylish, but not arrogant. She's herself--natural and I like that she's who she is, despite that half the world is watching her every move. She presents herself accordingly and she is the coolest queen-to-be in history. Plus, she has a wardrobe to boot.

Way too cool.

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